Originally Posted by Yil
Carpo: IPv6 support is actually a non-trivial change. I have little idea on how IPv6 works in practice. How do you implement user hostmasks like *@192.168.1.* or 1.2.3.* ? Do ISP's get contiguous ranges of addresses to hand out that vary at the end?
ATM i was just messing about with it internally, as for the isp end, until they start using it it would be hard to say how they will do it. Internally ( direct, which is how im doing it) i don't think it would be an issue and im assuming you could use the shortened version of the ipv6 address *@fe80:

some long string)
eg : fe80:0:0:0:0:0:c0a8:101 becomes fe80::c0a8:101
As the ipv4 range of address's are running out and is expected to run out in 2010/2011 i think i would start looking at ipv6 now just so i understand it, and of course have my best ftpd app supporting it
http://www.subnetonline.com/pages/su...-converter.php - is what i have been using to try and work out what the correct address would be, hopefully it will help others