hmm.. not sure i understood "by simple name" right..
PHP Code:
ioVirtual AddFile [file size $f] 1 1 "anonymous" "nobody" 0755 [file tail $f] ""
if i put "$remount/[file tail $f]" instead of empty string "" for the last parameter, files are downloaded ok, but web-listing is broken. and if i put an empty string there i get "modifying virtual directories is not allowed" whether i CWD into directory and say RETR file.ext or just say RETR /virtual/dir/file.ext.
hope you get this figured out soon because there is an idea in my mind that depends heavily on ioftpds virtual dirs
as of actually "modifying" virtual dirs - i'd like to be able just to upload files at the moment, and if you think it's not worth the effort then nevermind