Originally Posted by Yil
dahlia: All times in the server are in UTC time. Have you tried setting the timezone for the server in your FTP client? I think that's probably a simpler solution. If you've tried that what still doesn't work?
I tried to set TimeZone in my ftp client (FTPRush)
1. "Casablanca/Monrovia timezone" is the only one timezone that give me the correct date of created dir - but i'm in GMT +1 timezone
2. It's almost impossible to say to every single user -> "set your timezone in your ftp client to 'something what is not even your timezone'"
and here is normal setting in ftpclient (-2h of created dir/file)
I think everyone who is in some different timezone than UTC must have the same problem.
The only one problem is incorrect date/time of created dirs/files. Every single log message in ioftpd is correct 'with current real server time'. Some internal script for change date/time of created files might help but dunno how much will that script slowdown the writing process.
thank you for answer