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Old 10-01-2009, 04:32 AM  
Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 43

Originally Posted by Yil View Post
paja1: Hmm, not sure on the caching issue. Try disabling caching in the client for the site and see if that makes a difference. If so take a look at the return values and see what's going on. I do know FlashFXP cwd's and then does a pwd to figure out where the server ended up to check if it already has it in the local cache. Perhaps I'm returning the wrong directory name after a change for directories more than 1 or 2 layers deep in a virtual dir...
Ok, will try to play with it a bit, and also will try to compare comunication as in 'normal' folders everything works just great.

Originally Posted by Yil View Post
Long running scripts. Is this a tcl or an exec script? I totally rewrote the whole exec scripts module to prevent the v6 timing out behavior and ran a number of test cases on the changes but maybe I missed something... Which script did this and if you have minidumps send them over and I'll get that fixed for ya.
It's definately exe, and its zip script for checking consistancy, ioZS but not the latests version. On 6.x it's working fine. On 7.0.1 it crashes quite often, on timeout everytime.

I'll try to get some crash dump or you.

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