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# FTP Connection and BNC check #
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#chan where the bot should respond to !site commands (PLUGIN)
#regexp seperate chans by |
#note that | can't be in channame
#set ftp_chan "#kalle|#ioNiNJA-Spam|#ioNiNJA-Staff"
set ftp_chan "#kalle"
# Ftp connection, used for nxtools and !site commands, !nuke and some other stuff
# Don't use the same user as you do for the bnc check
# Format: <scheme>://<user>:<password>@<host>:<port>
# schemes:
# ftp - Regular unsecured session.
# ftps - Implicit SSL secured session.
# ftpssl - Explicit SSL secured session (AUTH SSL).
# ftptls - Explicit TLS secured session (AUTH TLS).
set ftp_info "ftpssl://!sitebot:botpassword@192.168.189:21"
This "user" must exist and make sure you excempt it in the ioftpd config file so it can stay on the site without having to login/out every min.
If this "user" dosen´t exist, then nuke/request won´t work