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Old 09-14-2009, 02:18 PM  
FlashFXP Developer
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Join Date: Oct 2001
Posts: 8,012

I've been working hard at getting the website re-designed, its coming along slowly when it comes to php, mysql, css, and javascript they are not my strong points.

As far as FlashFXP goes. I'd really like to release a new beta build next week to registered users, however there's one thing holding me back, the integrated translation editor.

The new release will sport a new translation editor built into FlashFXP, the idea I had was that users could submit their translations directly from within FlashFXP to a db on the website, moderators assigned by us could then approve or deny individual lines of text. The problem is getting the backend to work and work well. my web dev skills are lacking bad in this department.

The new version also uses a new license key and the idea was that FlashFXP would be able to auto fetch the new key and do a smooth upgrade, so far in tests this seems to work well.

Since this release is so close to being completed everything has been updated to reflect v4.0, including data folder locations and registry keys. The installer needs to be updated to take this into consideration and import or copy the existing data into the new branch, the idea is that 4.x and 3.x will be able to co-exist on the same machine without any conflicts.

I have some more features I'd like to get into 4.0 final but at this point I may end up saving them for 4.1 just so we can get 4.0 out the door. maybe 4.1 by Christmas. Once 4.0 is out the door my release schedule will improve, I really hate waiting so long between releases, and the release schedule will be much more frequent.
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