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Old 08-27-2009, 05:51 PM  
FlashFXP Developer
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Join Date: Oct 2001
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Hello Mat,

Its nice to see your following our progress.

The design and logic is somewhat similar but I'm really not sure what to say, other than that great minds think alike?


In all seriousness, I didn't intentionally copy your UI design, the fact that they are somewhat similar is a bit of a mystery to me.

I came up with the listbox with a header and button controls and went from there, this design has replaced most of the old lists, like the ones in the filter dialog and is used in the new schedule, its clean and functionality, though I was informed by a couple blind users that the new design less than ideal for them.

The text styling is based on delphi language coloring syntax I use.

Originally I had buttons that allowed the user to insert IF AND THEN along with the comparison expressions but this ended up being too involved for the user.


I've been wanting to display the file transfer rules as IF THEN statements for ages, such as this thread specifically this post from back in 2004.

I'm not sure why this is being compared to ultrafxp. But I like how redirects to, I thought it was renamed rushftp, not ftprush, but I guess its an obvious mistake. A big win for you guys.

In a sightly unrelated topic, I've got some big news coming next week...

Last edited by bigstar; 08-27-2009 at 10:18 PM.
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