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Old 06-07-2009, 11:40 AM  
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Join Date: Oct 2006
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Originally Posted by bigstar View Post
The only thing I can think of is that when the transfer is aborted and then SIZE is sent the reply is garbled, the problem however is that since the SIZE command and reply aren't shown we can't see what the result is.

When the transfer is stopped are you always manually aborting it?
not everytime.
It happent once before, when I spent 40mins to upload this video and the trasnfer fail, it then get back to 40mins ago and re-upload...

What if you do your abort and then manually send a raw command something random such i.e. "HELLO", what is the reply? After sending that command if you start the queue does it resume correctly?
Nope, still not refreshing the folder.

[13:06:06] REST 1490944
[13:06:06] 350 Restarting at 1490944. Send STORE or RETRIEVE to initiate transfer
[13:06:06] STOR
[13:06:06] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for
[13:06:12] (soft abort)
[13:06:14] 226 Transfer complete
[13:06:14] Resumed: 657.94 MB in 881 hours 43 minutes 19 seconds (0.2 KB/s)
[13:06:14] Transferred 1 file totaling 657.94 MB in 16.77 seconds (0.2 KB/s)
[13:06:14] User Aborted
[13:06:18] HELLO
[13:06:18] 500 HELLO not understood
[13:06:23] PASV
[13:06:23] 227 Entering Passive Mode (XXX,XXX,XXX,XX,XXX,XXX).
[13:06:23] Opening data connection IP: XXX,XXX,XXX,XX,XXX,XXX PORT: XXXX
[13:06:23] REST 1490944
[13:06:24] 350 Restarting at 1490944. Send STORE or RETRIEVE to initiate transfer
[13:06:24] STOR
[13:06:24] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for
[13:06:29] (soft abort)
[13:06:30] 226 Transfer complete
[13:06:30] Resumed: 657.94 MB in 881 hours 43 minutes 2 seconds (0.2 KB/s)
[13:06:30] Transferred 1 file totaling 657.94 MB in 9.48 seconds (0.2 KB/s)
[13:06:30] User Aborted

In my opinion there seems to be some sort of bug but I am not able to reproduce it.
I'm sorry that my FTP servers are all privates and I'm not allowed to pass to you.

Thank you again.
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