pion: Nope on downloading while uploading. Two problems. Internally ioFTPD would have to do a bunch of tricks to re-use the exclusive handle it has to the file, because if it did the simple thing of opening it normally other programs like zipscripts now wouldn't fail to open the file and might delete/rename it, etc if someone tried to rescan the directory. That's bad. On top of that you want it to continue slowing sending after catching up which is doable but requires a bunch of work since it's not setup to do that right now.
Just make people split 500MB files seems a much simpler option.
On the other hand, it can't hurt to ask every 6 months or so. I eventually figured out how to get limited unicode support
ioYil: Dupe/Search/Wipe sorta work and appear to do so with unicode chars as well. I'm going to go back, clean everything up, document some more stuff, and add some things like color support (which I've added to my TCL cookie parser already) into the server itself along with a few other pieces to better support user feedback for "site msg" and "site request". The trick is to eliminate the need to call a .exe or a TCL script every time the user sees a transfer done summary since that's a huge waste of time. I have it all planned out, just need to find time to write it...