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Old 08-04-2002, 11:37 AM  
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 41
Default new statistic features

it would be nice if under each site entry in stats.dat it held something about the speeds that have been acheived in and out of that site..

..possibilitys could include average speed in/out, max/min speed in/out etc.

..this could then be extended for use when the first file in a queue is being transferred via fxp, the progress indicators say elapsed: xx:xx , remaining: ??:??, queue: ??:??

..if an idea of the speed a site can achieve is retained in stats.dat an estimated queue time could be used until the true file transfer time is found..

..this idea would be a bit of a crazy thing to implement.. i appreciate you'd probably have to recode most of your queue handling algorithms.. but, just a suggestion
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