Thread: nxTools v1.2.1
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Old 02-01-2010, 03:14 PM  
Too much time...
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 1,194

newguy: Double check which version of "site who" you are using. As of v6.5 ioFTPD includes a built-in "site who" along with a couple of .ini settings to let you control which users/groups/paths should be hidden. nxTools also has a "site who" that you can install (with the "^" prefix) to override the built-in one if you prefer it. Also note that until v7.1 the example for hiding a user in the .ini file was wrong (it's user, username*, =group, .FLAG, !thing, etc) where FLAG is any single letter userflag like 1/G/M etc.
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