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Old 03-14-2008, 03:02 PM  
Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 421

Hi, i think you may be mixing up the type of software needed here.

On your pc (the one with the drive connected to it) you will need to run an FTP Server program.
An FTP Server program is what listens for incoming connections (your friends trying to connect to the ftp), probably the easiest for your purpose would be Serv-U. (search google)
You will need to install and configure Serv-U (or another ftp server program of your choice) to run on your pc. If you are behind a firewall, or using a router etc, you will also need to configure those to allow the incoming connections from your friends to get through.
You then need to provide you IP address (or domain/dyndns if you have one) to your friends, along with the Port numbers that you configure the FTP Server to run on.

This is the part where FlashFXP comes into the picture. FlashFXP is an FTP/FXP Client that will allow them to easily connect/upload/download from the FTP Server you are running.
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