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Old 01-18-2008, 09:01 AM  
Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2006
Posts: 163

Sounds you have been busy over the yars Yil.
I like your replyes all over the place.
You always going on the depth of things.

But i would prefer a module as neoxed sharedb.
Then i can run a mysqdb somewhere else, and i guess it would be the most humane thing to have it look through the log for wipe and del command on a dir. and look in the xfer log for creating of the dir.

But im not a scripter or annything so im just hoping someone have the time to make this.
There are alot of scripts to glftpd that sounds great. But when you are a windows user, the gl is not a solution, and i dont feel i want to learn linux at all. To old to learn:P

And when we got our savior Yil now that releases more updates on ioFTPD then ever, i hope new scripter will come and join and make alot of these nice scripts, so io can "compete" with gl alittle more.
ioFTPD 7.0.3 nxTools ioNiNJA ioJM /
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