WOW! I'm not entirely sure where to begin. Many problems can arise from a single directory containing that many files.
First thing we need to consider is can windows own file browser display the files shown in this folder?
I'm not entirely sure where I read it but I recall seeing something that Microsoft recommends no more than 9000 files per folder otherwise it will encounter performance issues while opening and managing the folder.
The problem is that each file needs to be enumerated and displayed, and doing it for so many files requires a lot of memory and time.
Since FlashFXP uses the same functions as windows it has the same performance as windows, though a bit slower because we do a few more things that windows normally does.
Up until now the most files I've ever personally tested FlashFXP with is about 50k files.
I'm going to attempt to enter a folder containing 750,000 files and see what happens.
I'll post a reply once I conclude my test.