create MySQL database
How do i make the first step, creating a MySQL database:
please post the exactly command to make it correct
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# 2. Installation #
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1. Create a MySQL database and import the schema.sql file.
mysql -u root -p -h -e "CREATE DATABASE ioftpd"
mysql -u root -p -h -D ioftpd --delimiter=$ < schema.sql
now i have the db.opt created but im not sure its correct, no i try to import the "schema.sql" file to MySQL with MySQL Administrator 1.2.12
but still no luck to import the file from nxMyDB v.0.4.0
the error: The selected file was generated by mysqldump and cannot be restored by this application.
Last edited by magicman2008; 01-28-2008 at 07:14 AM.