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Old 01-12-2008, 04:58 AM  
PSA9's Avatar
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Posts: 54

i get this from time to time.
Windows could not stop the ioFTPD service on Local Computer.

Error 1053: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion.
when i try to restart the service the system service. reason i try and restart the service the service is when ioFTPD is giving me problems. the last problem i remember why i did this was i was gettin a list error and the only way to fix was restart! after failing i then just restart the computer and then ioFTPD is back to normal. the thing is their is no error in logs and no crash dumb is being made! any idea what this can be with the limited info i have given? or any ideas how how i may be able to find what is causing this?

ioftpd\lib\tcl8.4\http1.0, http2.5, msgcat1.3, opt0.4, tcltest2.2
ioftpd\lib\tcl8.4\auto.tcl, history.tcl, init.tcl, ldAout.tcl, package.tcl, parray.tcl, safe.tcl, tclIndex, Word.tcl
these are the files and folders that come in ioFTPD 6.3.5 and all that i have. can u tell me where to get ioftpd\lib\tcl8.4\encoding directory. so i can add it and see in my case if it fixes! the only FTP client i will ever use is FlashFXP, while saying that it displays Block ASCII correctly from the ioFTPD\text\ftp files.


Require_Encrypted_Auth  = !-ioFTPD *
Require_Encrypted_Data  = !-ioFTPD *
Immune_Users            = I
Idle_Exempt             = -ioFTPD
these are all default in ioFTPD 6.3.5 while immune users = I that is referring to a flag, are u saying that if i do Idle_Exempt = E would make users with flag E idle exempt, or do i set it as Idle_Exempt = -E * or chang u actually show me. also for SSL auth and Data = !-S * would make only users with flag S not have to use SSL! please show me the proper way!
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