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Old 01-11-2008, 02:39 PM  
PSA9's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2006
Posts: 54

MY [VFS] SECTION is as applies
Default_Directory_Attributes    = 777 0:0
Default_File_Attributes         = 777 0:0

# Command specific rules
Modify_Stats_On_Delete  = False

#  FLAG 1 = Super  (Can Download Leech,          Can Upload Leech, Group Admin)
#  FLAG 2 = Normal (Can Download Leech or Ratio, Can Upload Leech or Ratio)
#  FLAG 3 = Guest  (Can Download Leech or Ratio, Can Upload Files and Folders inside _REQUEST but Can Upload Files only everywhere else Ex. incomplete stuff
# NO FLAG = Look   (Can't Download or Upload) but can browse everywhere

Upload       = /_INCOMPLETE/* VM
Resume       = /_INCOMPLETE/* VM
MakeDir      = /_INCOMPLETE/* VM
RemoveDir    = /_INCOMPLETE/* VM
RemoveOwnDir = /_INCOMPLETE/* VM
Rename       = /_INCOMPLETE/* VM
RenameOwn    = /_INCOMPLETE/* VM
Overwrite    = /_INCOMPLETE/* VM
Delete       = /_INCOMPLETE/* VM
DeleteOwn    = /_INCOMPLETE/* VM

Upload       = /_REQUEST/* 321VM
Resume       = /_REQUEST/* 321VM
MakeDir      = /_REQUEST/* 321VM
RemoveDir    = /_REQUEST/*   1VM
RemoveOwnDir = /_REQUEST/* 321VM
Rename       = /_REQUEST/*   1VM
RenameOwn    = /_REQUEST/* 321VM
Overwrite    = /_REQUEST/*   1VM
Delete       = /_REQUEST/*   1VM
DeleteOwn    = /_REQUEST/* 321VM

Upload       = /_SORTED/* VM
Resume       = /_SORTED/* VM
MakeDir      = /_SORTED/* VM
RemoveDir    = /_SORTED/* VM
RemoveOwnDir = /_SORTED/* VM
Rename       = /_SORTED/* VM
RenameOwn    = /_SORTED/* VM
Overwrite    = /_SORTED/* VM
Delete       = /_SORTED/* VM
DeleteOwn    = /_SORTED/* VM

# This defines everything else as Read Only for regular users.
Upload       = /* 321VM
Resume       = /* 321VM
MakeDir      = /*  21VM
RemoveOwnDir = /*  21VM
RemoveDir    = /*   1VM
Rename       = /*   1VM
RenameOwn    = /*  21VM
Delete       = /*   1VM
DeleteOwn    = /*  21VM

# nobody can overwrite a file, they must delete it and resend
Overwrite    = /* !*
NoStats      = /* !*

# anybody can download anything except Look account...
Download     = /* 321VM
if a user dont have a Flag of M, 1, 2, 3 they cant download. by this if i give a user no flags all he can do is look. my Flag 1 users will never be ratio users. some flag 2 and 3 users i will want to set to ratio. is the [Sections] Default = 0 0 0 * is where i set credits? or do i have to use a tcl script?

say i set a user with flags, 2L he would be exempt from the max logins, is their a way i would add say 2LE where E would be for idle exempt for that user? its a pain to do this Idle_Exempt = -ioFTPD -User1 -User2 each time i want to add a user. if i could set a flag, i could do it when i am not home, and i am hardly home!

[R] 200-  §ê                              CLIENT LIST                               ê§
[R] 200-  §êššššššššššššššššššššššššššššššššššššššššššššššššššššššššššššššššššššššššê§
[R] 200-  §ê                                                                        ê§
[R] 200-  §ê      CID  USER            STATUS     SPEED       HOSTNAME              ê§
[R] 200-  §ê       1   PSA9            Idle                   *@         ê§
[R] 200-  §ê                                                                        ê§
[R] 200-  §êššššššššššššššššššššššššššššššššššššššššššššššššššššššššššššššššššššššššê§
My ioFTPD/text/ftp files are made in "Block" or "High ASCII" style which requires terminal font only in flashfxp to see them correctly and also done in ANSI Colors. this works fine.
however i tried in ioSFV and ioNiNJA script to make everything match. ANSI colors work fine in the script. the problem is those scripts displays some of the extended char correctly while others it displays weird. is this a bug in ioFTPD for reading "Block" ASCII through TCL code. is this a TCL limitation?

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