Yil i want to fight u unless u teach me your coding skills! Keep up the awesome work. 6.3 added many new features and i can't wait to try!
Originally Posted by o_dog
wouldn't it be easier to just use the drive with the most amount of free space?
while Drive spanning is the only thing i left i waiting for in ioFTPD i would rather wait a as long as possible for yil to get it working good while its not a feature i have to have just something that would be nice. however please dont do it the way o_dog suggest. every time i would upload a release it would be on a different hdd or even maybe even every other file would be on another hdd which would be super dumb. say i have 5 750GB for x264 i fell it should send to the last hdd in the VFS as it does now, then when full send to the next, and then when that full to next, etc.
however i dont know if this is planned or if even possible, but it would be nice if on upload a release to check if their is enough free space to put whole release on hdd, if not put to next. a STRONG reason why this would be nice is, if the realease is on 2 different drives u would not be able to extract it as easy. while this would not be important on say a topsite FTP, it would be very nice if the FTP is on a computer u actually extract and burn stuff on!