I just tested that, and it doesnt seem to be doing that.
IE user xxx is groupadmin of group GGG.
site change xxx admingroup GGG
site change xxx flags +G (3G)
After logging on with user xxx I tried the command site ginfo SiteOp, and sure enough the information was shown.
(17:26:55) [2] site ginfo SiteOp
(17:26:55) [2] 200-Description: Administrators
(17:26:55) [2] 200-MountFile : ..\etc\admin.vfs
(17:26:55) [2] 200-User slots : -1 (-1)
(17:26:55) [2] 200-Users : 2
(17:26:55) [2] 200-
(17:26:55) [2] 200- Name Flags Groups
(17:26:55) [2] 200- ioFTPD 1MTHL SiteOp
(17:26:55) [2] 200 ginfo Command successful.