noelek: Can you be a bit more specific? I probably have messed something up in the obscuring logic but I need to know a bit more. In your example did the first and third come out OK, but the middle one didn't? Are the 1st and 2nd the same and thus it worked once, but not the second time? There just isn't enough info there to figure out what's wrong since you obscured the obscured

What do you have obscure host/IP set to? I should point out that not all IP addresses will reverse resolve, or do so in the time period allowed. Thus empty hostnames are perfectly fine in the logfiles.
DOH! It appears if the feature is entirely disabled the reject* messages might have invalid/random text. That's a bug. Expect a fix shortly.
NOTE: The new Secure_Ip options to control which users can enter which hostmasks is turned on by default and really shouldn't be since I don't normally enable new features in the default config file. I was supposed to comment that entirely but didn't before zipping things up.
The most obvious problem with the enabled defaults is only M accounts can enter *@* as a valid hostmask for a user. I'm sure there are people who will find that too restrictive...