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Old 10-19-2007, 08:42 PM  
FlashFXP Developer
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If you did an upgrade install in RC2 it should continue to use the custom data folder. If you did a custom install you need to make sure you re-selected the same custom data folder.

I tested a RC1 to RC2 upgrade install and everything with smooth and works as expected.

The installer itself doesn't check file permissions and will let you select any folder.

Originally Posted by Eternity View Post
So does this mean that FlashFXP no longer supports custom data folders at all as of RC2? It was working fine for me in RC1 but now it will only read my settings from %AppData%\FlashFXP\3 even though I have full control permissions to my custom data folder. I've also made sure in the registry that the data folder location is correct. I'm on XP BTW.
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