Does this problem occur on a single ftp sever or multiple servers? When you said you tested with your university, I thought you meant their ftp server.
it happens on multiple servers
(same laptop, but different servers...
and sometimes -- like right now -- i connect start an upload in PASV mode, it stalls on first upload... i take off PASV mode, restart FXP and it suddenly works very well... it uploads an enormous string of images... then suddenly chokes....
the log is too long for this forum to accept (max chars exceeded)
but here's the last few line:
" [23:57:17] Transferred: render_110115.jpg 6 KB in 0.33 seconds (19.5 KB/s)
[23:57:17] [R] PORT 132,208,27,111,12,53
[23:57:17] [R] 200 PORT command successful
[23:57:17] [R] STOR render_110116.jpg
[23:57:17] [R] 150 Connecting to port 3125
[23:57:17] [R] 226-File successfully transferred
[23:57:18] [R] 226 0.314 seconds (measured here), 20.23 Kbytes per second
[23:57:18] Transferred: render_110116.jpg 6 KB in 0.31 seconds (20.3 KB/s)
[23:57:18] [R] PORT 132,208,27,111,12,54
[23:57:18] [R] 200 PORT command successful
[23:57:18] [R] STOR render_110117.jpg
[23:57:18] [R] 150 Connecting to port 3126
[23:57:18] [R] 226-File successfully transferred
[23:57:18] [R] 226 0.273 seconds (measured here), 23.25 Kbytes per second
[23:57:18] Transferred: render_110117.jpg 6 KB in 0.28 seconds (22.6 KB/s)
[23:57:18] [R] PORT 132,208,27,111,12,55
[23:57:18] [R] 200 PORT command successful
[23:57:18] [R] STOR render_110118.jpg
You said you were using 3.5.1, did you have this problem with the 3.4 stable release?
don't remember it occuring with 3.4
is there a download source for that?
Does it help if you enable "Send noops during trasnsfer", You can enable this option Globally via the Preferences / Proxy Section or Per-Site in the Site Manager.
that's always been on
thanks for yr help