For those interested in the amount of code written so far:
wc -l include\* source\*
82 include\backends.h
147 include\base.h
39 include\condvar.h
121 include\database.h
26 include\debug.h
142 include\pool.h
107 include\proctable.h
247 include\queue.h
154 source\condvar.c
809 source\database.c
113 source\debug.c
54 source\dllentry.c
392 source\group.c
530 source\groupdb.c
292 source\groupfile.c
695 source\pool.c
93 source\proctable.c
395 source\user.c
1779 source\userdb.c
293 source\userfile.c
6510 total