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Old 08-15-2007, 11:36 AM  
Too much time...
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 1,194

Ok, there are a couple of issues here...

It is possible to just change the owner of group/files. Use "site chown :groupname file/dir" which will just change the group. With v6 you can use -R to recursively do that, and to specify wildcards. Check the ChangeLog for details. By default a user requires the V flag to use chown which is not something you want to give out normally to users.

Changing the default group for everyone so the are in the same group won't matter at all unless you are using groups for credits or something with a script. You can certainly be a member of more than one group, but I think most scripts assume the first group is "your group" just like the filesystem does.

Not sure what script add-ons you are using, but I'd just go with the simple default group change if people are really interested in hiding their group.
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