nxAutoNuke v2.5.0 (not released):
NEW: Compatibility with ioFTPD v6.x.
nxAutoNuke-ioA v2.5.0 (not released):
NEW: Compatibility with ioFTPD v6.x.
nxTools v1.0.6 (not released):
NEW: Option to define the allowed sample extensions (e.g. JPG, MPG, VOB).
NEW: Option to require the "-r" switch to recursively wipe a directory.
CHG: Updated SQLite to v3.4.2.
FIX: [Sections] compatibility with the new optional "share section" in ioFTPD v6.x.
FIX: "SITE PRE" compatibility with VFS files in ioFTPD v6.x.
FIX: "SITE RESETSTATS" the alldn statistic type would not reset.
FIX: "SITE SIZE" and "SITE WIPE" reported zero files and directories.
So far these are the changes I have planned, anything else to add?
I still need to verify these scripts work on ioFTPD v6.x, but the next release should be ready this weekend.