Thread: ioNiNJA ALPHA
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Old 02-01-2011, 11:36 PM  
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Originally Posted by SkiLLa View Post
Got it working with a bat file, thx anyway. also updated the imdb tag as dir/file.

Right now only the imdb announce on irc channel is giving now results. also updated this one with a the info from page 35. Still same no results. Anyone got a updated one? Thx

* also the tv-range not working as announce?

How can i update/fix this?

It takes SkiLL(a) to do so.. lol you wannabe obviously trying to set up a ftp without even knowing how to start your eggdrop the first time.. "got it working with a bat file.." hope none will affil your c unt like shit server because u dont even deserve anything but trojans and viris.. hope u get purged and have your infos pubd by some guards.. stop asking about it u fool and learn from reading stuff.. I'll bet because of lamers like u o_dog stoped working on this..

to mods sry for hating but u should just delete such wankers.. they deserve nothing but a hint containing and maybe how to use search.. but as his english SkiLL(a) (laff again.. even google is better than him) he won't even manage to fix it with the knowledge of searching.. he's just a random noob with its name ironically containing skill (omg that guy make me so ****ing laugh about him and his "skillful" name.. omfg)

go die u piled bullshit.. u even missed well documented basics if you fail on this..

Originally Posted by SkiLLa View Post
* and how can i fix this one on eggdrop?
USER FILE NOT FOUND <try ./eggdrop -m eggdrop.conf>
the best proof of his lack of SkiLL(a)s (his name must be kinda sarcasm or something..) .. to stupid to read and actually to stupid to interpret things right so he even needs a batch file to make his eggdrop running..
please stop commenting on this dumb ass because he's obviously trying to use your great daemon for illegal purposes and its probably use and senseless to explain him anything because he might fail on the next step..

seriously.. guys like him totally pissing me so damn off.. just because he's leeching stuff somewhere he thinks of he's leet and got SkiLL(a)s (like you can read from his name).. they deserve NOTHING.. pls stop helping lamers like him..

Last edited by lolyounoob; 02-02-2011 at 12:55 AM. Reason: had to add more noobs and lols because he's so ridiciously fail..
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