Thread: ioNiNJA ALPHA
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Old 08-12-2010, 01:13 PM  
Junior Member
Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 14

Hey o_Dog,

Just one simple Question to you:

I Have a Problem with coloring my Section in the IRC Announce, i had edited the Theme File, but it dont work, and i dont know why. Is there anything i can do wrong ?
My Theme File (as you see in the Login/Logout Section i tried to color Login and Logout with 4 (like MIRC does it with STRG+K) and it works)
# Default colors, used for all sections except those defined below
# 00 white                 08 yellow
# 01 black                 09 light green
# 02 blue                  10 cyan
# 03 green                 11 light cyan
# 04 light red             12 light blue
# 05 red                   13 light magenta
# 06 magenta (purple)      14 gray
# 07 orange (dark yellow)  15 light gray

COLOR1      = "14" # Site color
COLOR2      = "04" # Warning color
COLOR3      = "12" # Not used

# Custom section colors. Use same section names as defined in dZSbot.conf.
# IMPORTANT: You MUST define the same number of colors as there are default colors for each section!
# If you have 3 default colors above, then each section below needs exactly 3 colors.
# Sections not defined here will use the default colors above.
COLOR__0DAY_1   = "03"
COLOR__0DAY_2   = "03"
COLOR__0DAY_3   = "03"
COLOR__ARCHiVE_1   = "03"
COLOR__ARCHiVE_2   = "03"
COLOR__ARCHiVE_3   = "03"
COLOR_APPS_1   = "03"
COLOR_APPS_2   = "03"
COLOR_APPS_3   = "03"
COLOR_DOKU_1   = "05"
COLOR_DOKU_2   = "05"
COLOR_DOKU_3   = "05"
COLOR_DOKU-X264_1   = "05"
COLOR_DOKU-X264_2   = "05"
COLOR_DOKU-X264_3   = "05"
COLOR_DVDR_1   = "05"
COLOR_DVDR_2   = "09"
COLOR_DVDR_3   = "12"
COLOR_GAME_1   = "07"
COLOR_GAME_2   = "07"
COLOR_GAME_3   = "07"
COLOR_MP3_1   = "03"
COLOR_MP3_2   = "09"
COLOR_MP3_3   = "13"
COLOR_PRE_1   = "08"
COLOR_PRE_2   = "08"
COLOR_PRE_3   = "08"
COLOR_TV_1   = "10"
COLOR_TV_2   = "10"
COLOR_TV_3   = "10"
COLOR_TV-DVDR_1   = "10"
COLOR_TV-DVDR_2   = "10"
COLOR_TV-DVDR_3   = "10"
COLOR_TV-X264_1   = "10"
COLOR_TV-X264_2   = "10"
COLOR_TV-X264_3   = "10"
COLOR_XVID_1   = "06"
COLOR_XVID_2   = "06"
COLOR_XVID_3   = "06"
COLOR_XXX-X264_1   = "12"
COLOR_XXX-X264_2   = "12"
COLOR_XXX-X264_3   = "12"
COLOR_XXX-XVID_1   = "12"
COLOR_XXX-XVID_2   = "12"
COLOR_XXX-XVID_3   = "12"

#PREFIX      = "-%sitename-"
PREFIX      = ""
SPLITTER    = ", "
KB          = "%b{%value}KB/s"
MB          = "%b{%value}MB/s"
KBIT        = "%b{%value}Kbit/s"
MBIT        = "%b{%value}Mbit/s"

## Default announce
announce.DEFAULT                = "-%sitename-[%b{iNFO}] %msg"

## Login announcements
announce.LOGIN                  = "-%sitename-[9%b{LOGIN}] %b{%u_name}@%g_name has logged in."
announce.LOGOUT                 = "-%sitename-[4LOGOUT] %b{%u_name}@%g_name has logged out."
announce.BADHOSTMASK            = "-%sitename-[7%b{LOGIN}] %b{%u_name} could not login, hostmask %b{%u_hostmask} is not added."
announce.BADPASSWORD            = "-%sitename-[7%b{LOGIN}] %b{%u_name} could not login, invalid password."
announce.BANNEDHOST             = "-%sitename-[7%b{LOGIN}] %b{%u_name} could not login, hostmask %b{%u_hostmask} is banned."
announce.DELETED                = "-%sitename-[7%b{LOGIN}] %b{%u_name} could not login, account deleted."
announce.IPNOTADDED             = "-%sitename-[7%b{LOGIN}] denied unknown connection from %b{%u_hostmask}."
announce.KILLGHOST              = "-%sitename-[%b{GHOST}] %b{%u_name} killed a ghost with PID %b{%pid}."
announce.TAGLINE                = "-%sitename-[%b{TAGLiNE}] %b{%u_name}@%g_name has changed tagline to %b{%u_tagline}."
announce.TIMEOUT                = "-%sitename-[%b{LOGOUT}] %b{%u_name} has timed out after %b{%u_idletime}s."

## Sysop announcements (only important announces are themed)
announce.ADDUSER                = "-%sitename-[%b{SYSOP}] %b{%u_siteop} added user %b{%u_name}."
All the Sections in the Theme File I also got in dzbot.conf (just a piece of it):
set paths(MP3)         "/MP3/*"
set chanlist(MP3) 	$spamchan

set paths(X264)         "/X264/*"
set chanlist(X264)      $mainchan

set paths(TV-X264)        "/TV-X264/*"
set chanlist(TV-X264)     $spamchan

set paths(GAME)         "/GAME/*"
set chanlist(GAME)      $mainchan
and also in the /ioftpd/system/ioftpd.ini (also not everything):
0DAY = 0 0 0 /0-DAY/*
APPS = 0 0 0 /APPS/*
DOKU = 0 0 0 /DOKU/*
DOKU-X264 = 0 0 0 /DOKU-X264/*
DVDR = 0 0 0 /DVDR/*
GAMES = 0 0 0 /GAME/*
MP3 = 0 0 0 /MP3/*
You see an error i do wrong?
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