Thread: ioNiNJA ALPHA
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Old 10-11-2009, 05:05 PM  
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 33

Originally Posted by razoor View Post
well this does work without any problem here.

in ioninja
set ioNJ(hide_group_uploaders) 1
set ioNJ(hide_uname) "pre"
set ioNJ(hide_gname) "pre"
This group and user has to exist

So when you upload to \PRE\TFT\
The race info and owner on the files will be pre

Then when you do site pre the race info and owner on the files/folder will be pre TFT

(taken from original ioninja.cfg)
## Hide name of uploaders in the .message-file in group-dirs? Setting this to
## 1 will convert the username to the groupname of the user. This will not
## change owner of files since it can create problems with permissions. Have the pre
## script change that instead.
set ioNJ(hide_group_uploaders) 1
set ioNJ(hide_uname) "NoUSER"
set ioNJ(hide_gname) "NoGROUP"

and this work exactly how its written in this cfg. hiding user/group only in .message. not owner of files "Have the pre script change that instead." And for that is nxtools and there you can hide only files and not dirs.

Anyway i found another 'minor bug' in dzsbot/topstats.tcl stats:
(23:45:28) (@user) !site dayup
(23:45:29) (@bot) .----------------------------------------------------.
(23:45:29) (@bot) | Day Top Uploaders |
(23:45:30) (@bot) | Section # -1 : [TOTAL] |
(23:45:30) (@bot) |----------------------------------------------------|
(23:45:30) (@bot) | ## | User | Group | Size(MB) | Files |
(23:45:31) (@bot) |----------------------------------------------------|
(23:45:33) (@bot) | 01 | user3 | ioFTPD | 10076 | 148 |
(23:45:35) (@bot) |------------------------------|----------|----------|
(23:45:37) (@bot) | 01 Total Matches | 10076 | 148 |
(23:45:39) (@bot) '----------------------------------------------------'
(23:45:41) (@bot) 'stats' Command successful.
(23:45:44) (@user) !dayup user3
(23:45:45) (@bot) (SITE-STATS) user3 is 1st with 148F and 10MB, followed by user2 with 0F and 0KB

(23:48:25) (@user) !site daydn
(23:48:27) (@bot) .----------------------------------------------------.
(23:48:27) (@bot) | Day Top Downloaders |
(23:48:27) (@bot) | Section # -1 : [TOTAL] |
(23:48:27) (@bot) |----------------------------------------------------|
(23:48:28) (@bot) | ## | User | Group | Size(MB) | Files |
(23:48:30) (@bot) |----------------------------------------------------|
(23:48:32) (@bot) | 01 | user1 | ioFTPD | 2021 | 146 |
(23:48:34) (@bot) | 02 | user2 | ioFTPD | 1267 | 108 |
(23:48:36) (@bot) |------------------------------|----------|----------|
(23:48:38) (@bot) | 02 Total Matches | 3288 | 254 |
(23:48:40) (@bot) '----------------------------------------------------'
(23:48:42) (@bot) 'stats' Command successful.
(23:48:44) (@user) !daydn user1
(23:48:44) (@bot) (SITE-STATS) user1 is 1st with 146F and 2.0GB, followed by user2 with 108F and 2MB

(23:54:26) (@bot) Daystats for SOMESiTE, today we:
(23:54:26) (@bot) * Recieved 148 files totalling 10.0GB
(23:54:26) (@bot) * Sent 254 files totalling 3.2GB
(23:54:26) (@bot) * Had 1469 logins and 1469 logouts.
(23:54:26) (@bot) * Created 9 new release-dirs, but deleted 7 directories.
(23:54:28) (@bot) * Made 0 new requests, and filled 0.
(23:54:30) (@bot) * Had some prominent racers, the top ones were:
(23:54:32) (@bot) +[1] user3 (10MB/148f)
(23:54:34) (@bot) +[2] user2 (0KB/0f)
(23:54:36) (@bot) * Had some nasty leeches, the nastiest ones were:
(23:54:38) (@bot) +[1] user1 (2.0GB/146f)
(23:54:40) (@bot) +[2] user2 (2MB/108f)
(23:54:42) (@bot) +[3] user4 (0KB/0f)
(23:54:44) (@bot) * Got 0 glorious pres, the groups with the most pres were:
All day i tested what stats we getting from dzsbot and topstats script and its weird. Dzsbots !dayup (probably all other stats !cmds too) and topstats.tcl showing sometimes wrong info from user stats. Halp! :-)

still looking for an active scripter who could help me to fix those bugs
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