Just upgraded to "ioNiNJA.beta.v0.7.0.1-2008-08-20" and everything seems to work fine except for an announcing issue. When a new mp3 rls is uploaded, I get the usual "new rls" and "got sfv" announces, followed by an "info" line (announce.DEFAULT in .zst file) which the %msg outputs only the username of the person uploading the rls. I never got this default announcement before, do you know what might be causing it? I reinstalled everything from scratch including the sitebot just to be safe, and it still does it.
Also, do you know how to avoid /ARCHIVE/MP3/* from showing up in the /MP3/_sorted/ dirs? Problem is, things get moved around in the archives, and paths change. Then when you do a symclean, it removes the symlinks cuz they arent valid anymore. And as far as I know, there's no way to recreate those symlinks to their correct paths after they've been deleted, without some kind of other script. So I'd rather just keep the archives out of the incoming /MP3/_sorted/ dirs. Unless you have another solution for me. I'm assuming any mp3 that gets uploaded anywhere on the site is going to show up in the sorted dirs, so I guess an option to enable sorting only in /MP3/* would be nice. Or is it there any I overlooked it?