Originally Posted by o_dog
mysql is not compiled with windrop. Use mysqltcl put it in windropdir\lib\tcl8.5\
The only version of windrop supported in this thread is the one on my homepage discuss other builds in some other thread please.
and even then the pretime.tcl neeeds to be altered to fit the predb you're using and this needs to be located on a mysqlserver
Ok, thx for your reply!
I use your eggdrop and i donwloaded all files of your site. I also altered the script to connect to a database.
I have downloaded a file that has 3 files in it for mysqltcl
I putted those in windrop\lib\tcl8.5\
i added a putlog "" in the pkgindex.tcl to see if its loaded and it shows loaded...
But still the pretime.tcl script says it cant find mysqltcl.
Can you enlighten me by showing step by step to get it working.. If this feature doesnt work why do you add to your bot plugins dir.