whocarez: Eggdrop is a Unix application, and as such doesn't run under windows. The fine folk at Redhat a long time ago created a kind of hybrid environment called cygwin which emulated the unix kernel library calls so that you could compile Unix/Linux applications on windows machines and have them work. So windrop is eggdrop compiled under cygwin. In order to make this world unix friendly they had to do all sorts of things like auto-convert line endings since unix and windows use different ones, and fake out the root of the filesystem so you can get the standard /usr, /lib, /bin, /etc, etc. Thus a standard cygwin installation will have c:\cygwin as the root for the faked out unix environment and all is good, but obviously you still want access to files elsewhere so they auto-mount the drive letters under /cygdrive for you. This is not a real directory, it's a purely virtual one. Thus the proper name for c:\windrop\foo.txt under a cygwin app like windrop is /cygdrive/c/windrop/foo.txt.
Windows builds of TCL sometimes supported automatically changing c:\ to /cygdive/c/ so you could use windows looking paths. Thus depending on the VERSION AND BUILD of windrop these would be valid paths and config files that used them would work. However, some of the newer .17 and .18 windrop builds didn't support this so some people would find it would work, and others it wouldn't.
Play it safe. Use /cygdrive/c/ instead of c:\ and you'll be much better off.