weird bot announce
Hey guys,
ive changed the speed announce in the .conf to
set speedmeasure "kb"
it works just fine, except that on !bw it shows this
bw > 1 up at 1290KB/s 103% > 0 down at 0KB/s 0% > 1 total at 1290.0787401574803KB/s 52% > 1 idle > 2 of 20 total
too many decimals
is there a fix for that ?
thx in advance
EDIT: i fixed it myself, for anyone who is a noob like me and wants it be fixed too replace:
set speedTotal [expr {$speedDn + $speedUp}]
set speedTotal [format "%.0f" [expr {$speedDn + $speedUp}]]
in dzsbot.tcl
Last edited by fudgi; 03-25-2008 at 03:07 PM.