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Old 09-29-2007, 09:59 PM  
PSA9's Avatar
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Posts: 54

Zer0Racer i have seen this problem before i did my massive upgrade i just never said anything as i was going to wait till i did my clean install. well i notice a similar problem just as u speak. i would say da FTP been on for almost a week, i did some heavy transfers on it to test, and at most 3 users were on but not doing heavy things.

say with ioSFV the Incomplete symlink dir, i having that problem when i try and enter them from USER 0, but USER 1 i could enter. USER 1 is the owner of the files so to further test this, i tried with USER 2, 3 and 4 which where all succesful. so i then again tried USER 0 with no luck. USER 3 is in same group as user 0 not that, that matters but all other users are in own group. i am not home to do a restart or anything else of such. i do know that i did add USER 5 as the first user that i didn't assign a group to which put him in the NoGroup 15 min before i noticed this. not saying this is a cause but just for incase.

another thing i am noticing and even after a rehash of da config.
right now as i speak i am offshore at work, loged in as USER 0 and USER 1 to say FXP and look at some things. USER 0 has its own .vfs while all other users have default. something else i should mention for that above problem. but their is only 2 users loged into my ftp, USER 0 and USER 1 on the same flashfxp. i had restarted the pc i am on and opened up one flash fxp and no one else is connected. this means that only 2 users are loged in but it shows that 5 users is loged in. 4 shows that USER 1 is loged in. say 1-2 hours ago before i rebooted this pc, i had 2 instances of flashfXP open and i had connected then, but its been like way too long for it to show that it is still loged in.

PLEASE CHECK into these problems. ooh something maybe i should mention the USER that is being showed as log in but is not logged in, is da only idle exempt user!!!

Last edited by PSA9; 09-29-2007 at 11:15 PM.
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