Thanks for your response Yil.
As I mentioned above, the box is my set top box, so i am the only user that logs into it -- so regarding the dir being locked due to other site users it is simply not possible. Furthermore I downloaded unlocker (I was using procexec but though I would try your suggestion for completeness) and it informed me that no open handles existed on the directory. At this time, now that I am 100% certain the directory is not in use by windows or a ftp user, i tried to delete the folder again, yielding the same result as before.
And for your information, the move is indeed from one drive to another, perhaps this is a cause of the bug? Furthermore, 'site size' works no problem on the directories in question. Cheers and thanks for your quick response!
Originally Posted by Yil
mr_F: The most common reason you might see that is if some other user or process is in the directory doing something. Google for unlocker which is a free cool application that explains which process holds locks for a directory or drive. If it claims nobody has it locked then it's a bug. If it claims ioftpd has it locked then make sure nobody is online transferring from the directory... I'm willing to bet another window someplace was open to that folder or a transfer was in progress.
0 of 0 done is pretty weird... but the printout comes out every once in a while to prevent timeouts. I would expect something like this on a large network mounted directory or a drive thrashing under load and a large listing. Basically what you are seeing is the system trying to walk the directory tree to count the dirs and not getting any answer back from the system. The fact that it results in a permission denied just means it took a while to get there or a network share or something eventually timed out before replying. Try a "site size" on the directory to see if it can see and walk it correctly. Pay particular attention to the no-permission entry in the response if it does work.
The pure fact that you are seeing the Moving Directories messages means you should be attempting to move directories across drives. Double check this is the case.
Update: I just looked at the code and I'm a bit wrong in what I said. "Still sizing move... Currently xxx dirs processed" is what you should see when it's sizing up the move initially and the "Moving x of y" when it's actually copying. The 0 of 0 is therefore weird but I haven't tested it on a dir with no subdirs so perhaps 0 of 0 is common but just never seen since usually it would copy quickly. Of course the permission denied means an error occurred somewhere and I don't delete the source dir if an error occurred for safety reasons.