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Old 05-16-2007, 03:39 AM  
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Join Date: Oct 2002
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The rule above will give you trouble if you have specified two different root dirs in the group's vfs and the default.vfs. You're only allowing groupA and groupB to upload anywhere on the site since /* is the root. Noone else will be able to upload at all, besides the Master account and maybe the VFS administrator.

I'm not 100% sure on how the VFS permissions work if you, for instance, set /home from default.vfs as root in groupA.vfs. Maybe you have to use /home/* in ioFTPD.ini for the detailed vfs permissions OR the ini always reflects what the user sees in his vfs.

I suggest you put all groups' homedirs in ie. /home/groupname. Then you can set a separate mountpoint in each group's vfs ie. "d:/ftp-root/home/groupname" /home (not as root) and you will be able to use /home/* for the detailed vfs permissions without the risk of mixing anything up. In case you want ever more detailed settings maybe you should mount is as /home/groupname so you can specify /home/groupname/* in ioFTPD.ini.

It's always good to just use an empty dir as root and only mount stuff in vfs. So even if a users cdup:s from the /home dir it will just be empty. To make users to automatically end up in /home when they log in you can set a special homedir setting in ioFTPD (though it's a per user command, but I think you can use the groupname to set the permissions for all users in that group at the same time) ie. site change =groupA homedir /home

And to make sure noone gets access to any other group's homedir (if you use /home/groupname as mount point) you can set the correct attributes for each group's dir (making if private/hidden) ie. site chattr +h "groupA" "=groupA" (if you're currently browsing /home and see the groupA dir). Do the same for all the other dirs. If they cdup now they won't see any other dirs inside /home than their own, making if kinda like the first example.

Or maybe I misunderstand. You just want to set different root dirs for each group?


P.S. And oh, don't forget to chmod the dirs you want to be writable to 777. D.S.
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