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Old 07-03-2007, 01:00 AM  
Senior Member
Join Date: Oct 2002
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Originally Posted by Carpo
Yil - dont know if this has been reported sorry if it already has - its only a slight error i feel in ioftpd 6.1.4 - but its an error that has been there since last ioftpd 5.x rls and i reported it back then if i remember, error is that gives the wrong error info in ioftpd - for wrong ip (or no ip) anyway

[R] 331 Password required for Carpo.
[R] PASS (hidden)
[R] 530 Login failed: Invalid password.
[R] Connection failed

now from that you would think the obvious and i forgot the pass right? wrong!

its because i forgot to add the right ip for the intranet into my account in ioftpd

07-01-2007 11:37:12 Host '*@THE-MAJOR' did not match any of user 'Carpo' allowed hosts.
07-01-2007 11:38:20 Host '*@' did not match any of user 'Carpo' allowed hosts.

after adding these two entries to my account i can log in ok again

a pidly error i know but it can be a bit miss leading - as i said before it used to throw this error up for near every error (no matter what the reall error was) in 5.8.6+ aswell
This is by design. I take it you haven't read the changelog at all for io 6.x It's designed this way for security reasons. Now l33t h4xXoRs have a hard time fishing for info on which usernames exist etc. And since the logs contain the correct info that only admins should have access to.. isn't that nice?


Last edited by Zer0Racer; 07-03-2007 at 01:22 AM.
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