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Old 06-09-2007, 12:30 PM  
Junior Member
Join Date: Sep 2005
Posts: 4

I just upgraded to the latest ioFTPD and I'm having a problem with the serviceinstaller.exe

I had ioFTPD as a service before but using the command line program (the one that came in with the tools to make a certificate) and so I used that to uninstall the service.

When I try to install the service with this new program, I get an error. It says it can't find the EXE when it's in the same directory as it. Its looking in my C:\Documents and Settings\User directory for ioFTPD.exe.

How do I fix this?

Also maybe in future releases the Idle_Exempt could be changed to include flags instead of just username and group. Flags would make it much easier; you just give the person exempt a special flag instead of adding their name to the config and rehashing.

Last edited by ESP; 06-09-2007 at 12:42 PM.
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