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Old 05-07-2007, 04:25 PM  
Junior Member
Join Date: May 2003
Posts: 8

Installed 6.1.3 and everything is looking fine so far. A few remarks:

README file:

edit the files etc\default.vfs and etc\admin.vfs to configure the virtual
file system. -> There is no etc/admin.vfs

by default, both of these files
are configured to use ..\site as the "/" directory for ioFTPD. this
directory contains a basic site layout to start from.
-> only one file which is configured to C:\ioFTPD\FTP-ROOT-DIR

ip address port 9999 -> port 5420

in the basic configuration, you just need to uncomment one line
to permit incoming connections. -> untrue

MessageCache_Size = 1000 # Number of .message files to cache
# (min 10, default 100)
-> default = 1000 ?

Under NETWORK: What does (10), (1800) and (5) stand for?

It seems that site chmod changes doesn't show directly sometimes, even though it is registered. Looks like a directory caching thing.
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