PSA9: The source\include directory is actually necessary if you are building 3rd party executables that use shared memory to talk to ioFTPD. Most of the files aren't used, but rather than split out just the necessary headers into a separate dir, ioFTPD at one point in the past started distributing all the real header files... I've updated the headers anytime a shared memory data structure gets touched which isn't very often, but they are up to date for the intended purpose.
Sha1 is used to hash user passwords which is often useful for scripts, and the sharedmemory dir is really just an outdated example, but better than nothing for someone interested in writing something new.
You are correct that none of those really need to be included to just run ioFTPD, but an argument can be made they are really necessary for end users writing scripts so it can't really hurt to leave them there. They compress pretty small anyway.