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Old 05-04-2007, 01:02 AM  
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Originally Posted by Yil
I know I'm going to regret saying this... I can't believe I'm going to say this... But nobody has had a crash yet? If you're running it as a service double check for a crash log since the service will auto-restart or check your Windows event log for restarts. Make sure it is a v6.1.2 crash as well since I know 6.1.1 can randomly crash with resumed uploads.

I didn't want to proceed with development if things weren't stable, so just checking...
I had those low-level crashes with 6.1.1 but then I cleaned up my ioFTPD.ini from a couple of unused events and commands, at the same time as I upgraded to 6.1.2 and now everything seems stable. Not running it as a service btw.

Since I don't think you changed anything major for 6.1.2 that would eliminate that low-level stuff maybe the problem is how ioFTPD handles particular (unused/not valid) settings from the ini. Two things I remember changing ;No_SubDir_Sizing = True (note the semi-colon = commented/not used) to No_SubDir_Sizing = False and that I removed some oooold chached message files.

You can run it in debug mode now since you found out Netlimiter screwed up socketclose() or what it was? Imho 6.1.2 should be properly debugged and if everything seems OK it could even be labeled as stable. It would be a perfect stepping stone for moving on with new features etc. Users would always have this 'stable' version to revert to.


Last edited by Zer0Racer; 05-04-2007 at 01:09 AM.
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