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Old 04-30-2007, 04:58 PM  
Too much time...
Join Date: May 2005
Posts: 1,194

Hey pion:

1) shared user DB addressed above -- I think this is a primarily a script based solution with a server application somewhere plus a little native ioFTPD support during login.

2) Support for complete download of a file being uploaded. I don't see the benefits to this really, in fact I can make a decent case against allowing any file being uploaded to be accessed since the zipscript may alter the file by stripping out nfo's etc. Of course since it supports neither right now a configuration option to allow any of the 3 behaviors might be good...

3) Limited spanning logic. Agreed. I don't think that is in this todo list above but I have mentioned it elsewhere as something I wanted as well. When a hard drive reaches some free space threshold new directories being uploaded should be stored on a different drive if multiple drives are merged onto a mount point. I don't want to do this at the file level since zipscripts would be completely confused...

4) Actually ioFTPD has pretty fast directory listings now. Try a list -alR and see how fast it goes. Then do it again once the cache is loaded. Definitely turn on the No_SubDir_Sizing option if performance sucks for you as it's MUCH faster. Not sure what you mean about more dynamic symlink scripting. It would be nice to have file level symlinks though.

5) Faster login. Not really worried about login times, but the biggest issues are reverse name resolving and the ident query. Not much you can do to speed those up and that is where all the time is spent. Doing them in parallel might make sense now that I can't completely stealth the FTP server port, but it still might not make sense to send an ident request to someone you're going to play dead for. Compare the time to access the server the first time versus the 2nd connection. The 2nd should be nearly instant.
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