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Old 04-13-2007, 02:19 AM  
Senior Member
Join Date: Jun 2004
Posts: 165


Yil any hints on why the xferlog hide the ip feature isnt working as it should for me? Ive removed the comment ";" infront of line in ioFTPD.ini and its set to "True"
Hide_Xfer_Host = True

Does it depend on Some other setting in ioftpd.ini, cause it does happen that I remove some telnet configuration and some of the http stuff from the .ini file, just to make it a bit more easier to read. I doubt any of thoose has anything to do with the xferlog though.


btw, did you read the former posts on the "site adduser" command? would be nice to have it work like the documentation sez

anyways, glad to have you here
hukker is offline