Yil: tried coping over the tcl folder from 5.8.5/5.8.6 rls but still get an issue with iosfv after so many files, also i have noticed another strange thing with it
] 226- : :
[L] 226- : 01. Admins 75F 7152.56MB 11143KB/s 91.46% :
[L] 226- : 02. Adminssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss 1F 95.37MB :
[L] 226- : 03. AAdmins 1F 95.37MB 11336KB/s 1.22% :
[L] 226- : :
[L] 226- :..(complete!.)................................... ....(o77/o82/o93%/NGE)..:
doesnt happen with same rls under 5.8.5/5.8.6 - i would infom tuff about this but this is a bug we have both chansed and looked like was sorted in 1.50 of his iosfv, so am wondering if it is indeed ioftpd 6 causing this
edit: after trying that same rls under 5.8.6/iosfv 1.52 i had no issues in upping and tried it with 85 x 95meg files - that also went up with no problems, so it looks likr a io6 iosfv issue