Originally Posted by Yil
Zer0Racer: List -R (not the list -alR version I use though) does crash in directories (but only those with subdirs). I'll get this fixed pronto and have a new version within a day or so, it should be trivial.
Aah, great!
Originally Posted by Yil
Zer0Racer: Event OnLogIn only seems to be triggered when named OnFtpLogIn in ioFTPD.ini. Didn't change anything there so yea, that's still a bug or a documentation failure 
Ok, just thought since the ioFTPD.ini in v6.0 referred to OnLogIn maybe you could change it/fix it once for all. And since it's under the [Ftp] array OnLogIn looks better than the redundant OnFtpLogin.
Originally Posted by Yil
Zer0Racer: Device_Concurrency appears to be used. I can't tell if it's doing what it's supposed to, but it's trying as I can see various tests to limit the number of outstanding read/write requests for files being transfered. Upload_PreAllocation is not referenced or used anywhere. I'll remove it from the config file. I'll see what I can do about the vfs stuff later.
Ok. Any info about the Transfer_Buffer and (the obsolete?) Internal_Transfer_Buffer? Hope you can implement funtionality for unsetting vfsfile string in user and group files too and making necessary adjustments for internal tcl and php commands.
Btw I've started to play around with http service and php. Setting [HTTP Service] Messages to ..\text\http2 somehow results in ie C:\ioFTPD\text\text\http2. I have to set it to absolute path in order for it to work. No biggie, just wanted you to know.
Also, ioFTPD crashed on me earlier and I can't figure out why. Maybe the crash log is of any help:
Unhandled exception 3221225477 at address 0x00415186 (0x00000000)
0x00000000 0x1f6008e8