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Old 07-21-2002, 05:00 AM  
Junior Member
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 2
Lightbulb FlashFXP / mIRC Connectivity + Event Triggers

I love FlashFXP & all its the best FTP & FXP app out there, but from my expirence of using it there are 2 things i find it lacking which implementing these would make an allready great product, even better.

1: Connectivity to mirc, with use of something like the DDE SERVER/CLIENT connections, to send thru information like
- Current File Name (Of Downloading File)
- Target Directories
- Source Directories
- Source Site Names
- Queue Size
- Total Queue Remaining D/L Time
- Current File D/L Time
- Current Speed

the ability to share tis information over these 2 great applications would open up great scripting possibilities.

2: Event Triggers, when a file is finished downloading it triggers an event, eg say a archieve is downloading, as each file is completed an SFV file can be checked for correct file names, when the files are all there the ability to run an external SFV checker or even better yet an internal SFV checker.

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