copy and paste this into a file of your choice, then config your ioftpd.ini for a command for it
proc ioMOVERLS {} {
global args pwd path iomove
if {![info exists args]} {iputs "Usage: site moverls directoy /to/where"; return}
if {![string match "*/*" [lindex $args 0]]} {set name "$pwd[lindex $args 0]"} else {set name [lindex $args 0]}
set realdir [resolve pwd $name]
catch {set temp [client kill virtualpath "$name/*"]} temp
catch {file rename -force -- "[resolve pwd $pwd]/[lindex $args 0]" "[resolve pwd [lindex $args end]]/[lindex $args 0]"} error
if {$error != ""} {iputs "$error"}