till now i am using a 30 day time limited version of flashfxp, the current release candidate 2 downloaded some hours ago, so the newest build should also be used by me.
at first i noticed that there is no method to "surf" on a server while transfering. i am sure that some servers will not allow more than one login per ip at the same time, but there are some who will. as i'd like to add files to queue into different folders while transfering, this option is desperately needed

how about a new option within a site manager or a way to turn it on by default ?
i also noticed that i may edit, view, delete, rename LOCAL files but i cannot move them to folders.
the next hint is for people who are using greater download-queues. there is a huge problem in remaining-time-calculation. will there somewhen be an option to check all queued folders for containing files to get a reliable calculation of the remaining time? 'cause 20 folders may contain several gigabytes and sometimes information like this is important too
thanks for your time reading this one,