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Old 12-26-2006, 12:03 PM  
Senior Member
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Join Date: May 2003
Posts: 530

this will help i hope

this is the code:
proc iojTQ:Help {nick uhost hand chan text} {

  global iojTQ botnick
  set dest ""
  if { $iojTQ(send_help) == 0 } { set dest $chan }
  if { $iojTQ(send_help) == 1 } { set dest $nick }
  if { $iojTQ(debug) } { putlog "..iojTQ...: SHOWiNG HELP to '$nick'" }
  sm $dest "$iojTQ(cmdp)help................................................ HELP"
  if { $iojTQ(enable_bnc) } { sm $dest "$iojTQ(cmdp)bnc <sitename>...................................... Show BNCs" }
  if { $iojTQ(enable_bnc) } { sm $dest "$iojTQ(cmdp)bnctest <sitename>.................................. Test BNCs" }
  if { $iojTQ(enable_rescan) } { sm $dest "$iojTQ(cmdp)rescan /full/path/ <full_file_name>....... RESCAN <file_name>" }
  if { $iojTQ(enable_sections) } { sm $dest "$iojTQ(cmdp)sections............................................ Show SECTiONS" }
  if { $iojTQ(enable_affils) } { sm $dest "$iojTQ(cmdp)affils.............................................. Show AFFiLS" }
  if { $iojTQ(enable_banned) } { sm $dest "$iojTQ(cmdp)banned.............................................. Show BANNED GROUPS" }
  if { $iojTQ(enable_user_rank) } { sm $dest "$iojTQ(cmdp)rank <login> <stats>................................ Show Rank On All Sites (dayup,daydn,wkup,wkdn,monthup,monthdn,allup,alldn)" }
  if { $iojTQ(enable_trial) || $iojTQ(enable_quota)} { sm $dest "$iojTQ(cmdp)passed <login>...................................... TRiAL/QUOTA STATS Of <login>" }
  if { $iojTQ(enable_trial) } { sm $dest "$iojTQ(cmdp)trials.............................................. Show USER(s) On TRiAL" }
  if { $iojTQ(enable_quota) } { sm $dest "$iojTQ(cmdp)quotas.............................................. Show USER(s) On QUOTA" }
  if { $iojTQ(enable_site_transfer) } { sm $dest "$iojTQ(cmdp)transfer login pass MB FROM TO...................... Credits Transfer /QUERY $botnick" }

  if { $chan == $iojTQ(admin_chan) } {
    if { $iojTQ(enable_rehash) } { sm $dest "$iojTQ(cmdp)rehash.............................................. Send REHASH Command To BOT" }
    sm $dest "$iojTQ(cmdp)disabledsites....................................... Show LiST of DiSABLED SiTES"
    if { $iojTQ(enable_die) } { sm $dest "$iojTQ(cmdp)kill................................................ Send DIE Command To BOT" }
    if { $iojTQ(enable_save) } { sm $dest "$iojTQ(cmdp)save................................................ SAVE STATS FiLES" }
    if { $iojTQ(enable_site_commands) } { sm $dest "$iojTQ(cmdp)ftp <SITE COMMAND>.................................. SEND <SITE COMMAND> To All SiTES" }
    if { $iojTQ(enable_site_commands) } { sm $dest "$iojTQ(cmdp)ftp SiTE.NAME <SITE COMMAND>........................ SEND <SITE COMMAND> To SiTE.NAME" }
    if { $iojTQ(enable_site_commands) } { sm $dest "$iojTQ(cmdp)addgadmin <SITE COMMAND FOR GADDUSER>............... ADD GADMIN" }
1. example
this line for example will be allways displayed
sm $dest "$iojTQ(cmdp)help................................................ HELP"
'sm' means command to send message
'$dest' means to where to send (channel or nickname)
'"$iojTQ(cmdp)help................................ ................ HELP"' this is the actualy text that willbe displayed to user
'$iojTQ(cmdp)' is the command prefix (!help for example)

2. example
'if { $iojTQ(enable_bnc) } { sm $dest "$iojTQ(cmdp)bnc <sitename>...................................... Show BNCs" }'
'if { $iojTQ(enable_bnc) }' means that this line will be shown only if iojTQ(enable_bnc) is set to 1

3. example
command inside this loop are shown only if typed in admin chan
  if { $chan == $iojTQ(admin_chan) } {


u can now change help with own text
4. example
proc iojTQ:Help {nick uhost hand chan text} {

  global iojTQ botnick
  set dest ""
  if { $iojTQ(send_help) == 0 } { set dest $chan }
  if { $iojTQ(send_help) == 1 } { set dest $nick }
  if { $iojTQ(debug) } { putlog "..iojTQ...: SHOWiNG HELP to '$nick'" }
  sm $dest "$iojTQ(cmdp) this will allways show my command prefix"
  if { $iojTQ(enable_bnc) } { sm $dest "this text is shown if my 'iojTQ(enable_bnc)' is 1" }

  if { $chan == $iojTQ(admin_chan) } {
    sm $dest "this command is shown only in admin chan"
    if { $iojTQ(enable_bnc) } { sm $dest "this text is shown if my 'iojTQ(enable_bnc)' is 1 AND command is typed in admin chan" }
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