Thread: UNNUKE command
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Old 12-03-2006, 09:17 AM  
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Join Date: Jul 2005
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Default UNNUKE command

Thanks for a great program, and thanks to all of you out there that make these custom designed packages for the program.

But I have a problem with UNNUKE command.

SITE UNNUKE %f %d[Message]

When a folder is nuked, it still retains it's original name, although visually for us we see

so %f becomes =
but to unnuke that particular directory %f needs to be

Hence my question, is there possible in any way to extract parts of a folder name in any way? Like start counting from symbol/letter nr7, or subtract NUKED- from names etc.

I hope I made myself clear enough for some of you guys out there to be able to understand my problem

Thank you in advance.
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