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Old 10-14-2006, 06:39 AM  
Senior Member
Join Date: Dec 2003
Posts: 421

There actually seems to be a bug with this behavior.... when i tested before it was just a quick test and it worked fine.... however with a little more fiddling it is actually very inconsistant. Sometimes it will work and sometimes it wont.

Here is my guess as to what is causing it...

Working on the assumption that flashfxp uses an internal flag or variable of some sort to know when to allow certain actions. It seems the setting/unsetting could be improved a little. What is 'seems' to be doing is updating this flag everytime one of the 'switch' buttons are used to change to or from local browser, however this seems to be irrelevant of the status of the other side.

For example, if both sides are local browsers, and the dragging behavior is working fine, when one side is switched to remote browser, the flag is changed and the dragging behavior no longer works in the remaining local browser side. If you set the other side back to local it will work again. If you set both to remote, then one to local, it works. If you then set the second to local it continues to work. But as soon as one side is switched to remote the flag is changed and the remaining local browser side no longer functions completely as it should.

I'm sure Bigstar will look into this when possible.

All tested on 3.4.0 build 1145 / windows 2000

I am of corse assuming that flashfxp handles this internally and its not windows itself, so i could be wrong.
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